Monday, December 14, 2009

Loving my little time at my studio, have to take advantage of it,Gary will be traveling this week again...
what do you think

(a child and his moon)

I will have prints very soon at my etsy shop


Linda said...

I adore this! You are very talented:) Do you ever sell origionals of your artwork?

Diane Duda said...

So sweet!

the puRple gRasshoppeR said...

Linda, thanks for visting!!
I do sell some of my originals, some of them I keep for while and then off they go to a new house. I usually post them on my etsy store.

Hi Diane is good to be back! I'll be around your blog commenting on your wonderful artwork again!!! miss ya.

Hansedeern said...

Its eonderfull!!!!! Nice!

Hugs from Hamburg

Anonymous said...

Nice work.

Anonymous said...
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