Monday, October 20, 2008

pumpkins!!!  I TOTALLY LOVE THEM!!!!  this is my favorite time of the year!!!!  
WE went to pick three pumpkins, one for each wee one, on Saturday we have two carving parties... and then next week we are having a little early Samhain tea party for the girls where after tea  we carve lanterns out of gourds and each of the kids  prepare a story to tell at night. we light the lanterns and we sit in a circle,   we put some nature music as backround and blankets all over the backyard.. the kids love it.  


Amber said...

Oh the colours are lovely, and the pics look so nice. What a great tradition...

Anne said...

I love pumpkins too!
There such a beautiful colour.

Sue said...

Great pics! I'm not big on Halloween, but I love all the fall stuff and pumpkins! We will get some on the weekend.